About Us
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is committed to providing economic support to Douglas County Search and Rescue of Oregon. We work to educate our community about the services search and rescue volunteers provide and raise funds to assist Douglas County Search and Rescue with training and equipment.
Please know that all contributions are carefully considered by our leadership to ensure they align with our mission and strategic priorities. Your support plays a vital role in helping us achieve our goals, and we are deeply grateful for your partnership.
The Teams We Support
4x4 Team : Uses vehicles and ATVs to search for subjects, conduct area containment, provide transport of ground searchers to and from assigned areas, scout trailheads and conduct route reconnaissance, transport equipment, and evacuate search subjects when located.
Ground Team: Is comprised of highly trained and skilled foot searchers. Ground members serve in both day and night tasks, in nearly any weather. Ground members may be assigned to cover miles of rough brushy terrain or be utilized to interview campers. Teams for individual search assignments range from two to ten persons. Ground members may serve as flankers for the K9 Team. Flanker's responsibilities include navigating, functioning as a scribe, watching for hazards and clues, and maintaining radio communications while keeping up with the pace of the handler and dog.
Man Tracking Team: Uses specially trained volunteers to locate missing individuals or signs of their passage through an area, and/or to determine their path(s) of travel. The tracking team helps evaluate clues to determine their age and applicability to the lost person of interest, allowing search managers to focus efforts on high probability areas.
Dive Team: Is comprised of PADI certified divers who assist in recovering drowning victims or persons in water related incidents and conducts evidence searches in water environments.
K9 (Dog Team): Utilizes trained dog and handler teams in an effort to help locate missing persons and evidence.
Communications Team: Uses radios to communicate with searchers in the field and overhead, disseminate information, and transcribes radio traffic during searches and events.
Drone/UAV Team: Assists by flying over search areas to detect and identify missing persons and/or evidence. Drone footage may also be used to investigate possible areas where a person might be located that are difficult to reach or view by other resources
Logistics Team: Assists by transporting, housing, and supplying equipment and resources on missions and activities. Food, shelter (i.e. tents, heaters), arranging transportation, etc.
Snowcat Team: Operates the county owned Snowcat and Polaris Side by Sides on tracks to help locate and rescue subjects in deep snow. The Snowcat may be used to transport first responders or SAR members when deemed necessary. Periodically, the Snowcat team is tasked to transport radio or other technicians to their work sites.
Mountain Rescue Team: Conducts searches, rescues, and extractions in or from remote backcountry, cliff, alpine, and other technical and challenging environments. Mountain Rescue volunteers work in nearly any weather condition and accepts tasks spanning multiple mission periods.
Mounted/Equine Team: Conducts search and rescue missions and other appointed functions on horseback. Horse and rider teams given the appropriate terrain may have greater mobility, better vision, higher load-bearing ability, and increased sensory resources from the animal itself.
Wildfire Evacuation Team: Assists in the notification and evacuation of residents in areas affected by wildfire.

By-Laws of Friends of Douglas County Search and Rescue